Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Food - China Population World's Biggest Beer Drinkers

the food
The Food - Population China is the world's largest beer consumer. Nearly double that of Americans. For the first time, last year's beer consumption in China reached 50 billion liters per year. This is the largest number ever recorded.

For the first time last year, beer consumption in China reached 50 billion liters per year. Volume increased by 29% for 5 years and reached its peak years ago. Value increased by 63% or 454 billion yuan in 2011.

Compared with American consumption at 24 billion liters, 14 billion liters Brazil and Russia and Germany to reach 9 billion liters per year. Chinese people spend more for small pleasures, including beer and wine beverage that became important for the association.

According to the quoted nydaily, the main reason people drink beer is to the company of friends and family (73%). Beer is the preferred drink at meals and parties by 62% of respondents and to entertain guests at home by 61% of respondents.

In addition 44% of the Chinese prefer to eat cold drinks, 43% liked as a friend to drink after work and 33% after its use as an encouragement to work tired. The most popular beer is draft beer are expensive but are also preferred.

Wine producers are also eyeing China as a share of the market given the Chinese people love the taste of luxury to indulge. International Wine & Spirits Group Research in the UK predicts wine consumption in China will grow to 4 liters per capita a year to 4.4 liter in 2015. While in Italy, the consumption of wine menjadpai 56.1 liters per capita per year.

The Food - Eat two spoons Olive Oil Day Prevent Heart Disease

the food
The Food - Many studies reveal the greatness of this olive oil. The oil expressed from the seeds of the ripe olives are not only prevent cancer but to prevent heart attacks. Simply consume 2 tablespoons per day!

Research on olive or olive oil has been widely applied. However, few have revealed the efficacy of this oil is to reduce mortality. A recent research states that consumed olive oil 2 tablespoons per day may reduce the risk of death from heart disease.

This conclusion is derived from research involving 41 000 adults in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition was started 20 years ago. The results were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Mentioned that olive oil can not reduce mortality from cancer. It is precisely the impact on death rates from heart attacks.

Benefits of olive oil is great for heart health. "The finding is significant. Once to confirm that olive oil is good for the heart, 'concluded Dr. Charles Knight of the British Cardiovascular Society as reported dailymail.

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated oils and polyphenols, substances that reduce inflammation memampu and reduce the risk of clotting. Spanish researchers examined the eating habits of 10 622 men and women aged 29-69 years and tracked for 13 years to determine the effect of olive oil there is the death rate.

In the study period, only 2000 people died, 956 from cancer and 416 due to cardiovascular disease. Data show the number who die from heart disease is the most sedikitmengonsumsi olive oil. Those who ate 29 grams of olive oil per day or 2 tablespoons, 44% reduced risk of death due to heart problems.

Olive oil consumed in the Mediterranean diet. In this diet widely consumed fresh fruit and vegetables and olive oil is used as a dressing or salad dressing. Olive oil can also be used for roasting or sauteing and best consumed is jenid extra virgin, olive oil purest.