The Food - Euro 2012 to be a magnet millions of
people come to Poland and Ukraine. To take advantage of this moment, some food
manufacturers make a sensation by serving food is abundant, even to break the
record. Fans and athletes alike were assigned to. Yummy!
After the match against Italy in Group C, Sunday (10/6),
the arrival of the Spanish football team 500 melon. Apparently, the fruit
company El Monarca sent a truck loaded with fruit this round as a form of
support for the team La Selección.
The melons are traveling as far as 1.865 miles from
Murcia, Spain, to the Spanish team's training base in northern Poland. The
fruit is sweet and fresh athletes end up in the stomach at breakfast on Tuesday
(12/6) morning. They do have to eat healthy foods to prepare against Ireland on
Thursday (14/6).
Not long ago, Reuters news launch record-breaking world's
largest lasagna. The author is Trattoria Giancarlo, Italian-style restaurant
located in Krakow, Poland. Weighing up to 4.8 tons! Unmitigated, it took 10
hours to bake.
This giant lasagna cut up to 10,000 servings. "I do
not know whether the players will eat lasagna because they are dieting.
However, they could taste it just a little," said the executive chef,
Giancarlo Russo. Lasagna is made to honor the football team while Italian who
lives near the restaurant.
Twelve days after the event Euro 2012 run, there were 1.25
million people visited the Fan Zone in Khreschatyk Street, Ukraine. Here,
soccer fans can enjoy the game despite not directly at the stadium to watch. In
addition to broadcast the tournament directly, they can also enjoy musical
entertainment, film, theater, and cartoons. Not to forget, the food and drinks
were available in the Fan Zone.
Of the same data, it was noted that there was 200 thousand
liters of beer, 8 km sausage, 1 metric ton of ice cream, and 60 thousand hot
dogs eaten in Kiev Fan Zone itself. This event produced 263 metric tons of food
waste that fit in a garbage truck 17.
One of the caterers there are two Swedish businessmen.
They serve beer and pizza since the tournament started until the final game was
over. Beer and pizza are served to accompany them to watch the ball whiz
enthusiast they competed in the field.
"Restrictions on imports of Ukrainian make us unable
to present the original Swedish meatball," said Fredrik, bartender at the
Swedish Corner. Swedish team failed to get quarter-finals and had left the
Ukraine, so the Fan Zone starts quiet. However, Fredrik hopes its customers
will be busy again come to the match England versus Italy.