Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Food - Durian, the King of Fruits that Make Food Orgasm

the food
The Food - Create a fan of durian, the fruit can make foodgasm or 'orgasm' because the food is very tasty. However, the king of fruits can make brake literacy is so delicious. That said, the durian can also make sex even more delicious!

Durian classified into one of the food acquired taste. There are people who really like, others hate him so much, both because of the smell, texture, or taste. However, if often used to scent or try durian, dislike it slowly decreases. It could even be hooked and feel foodgasm.

Talk about orgasms, Javanese believe durian could be an aphrodisiac. This is indicated by the phrase 'durian falling glove up' which means eating durian to make Mr. P so tense. However, is it true durian has a sex-related benefits?

Durian is rich in sugar, vitamin C, potassium, and serotonergic amino acid tryptophan. Spiny fruit is also high in carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Based on the research of University of Tsukuba Japan, high sulfur content in durian make hard alcohol is broken down by the body. Maybe this is why the body gets hot after eating durian.

According to the website, durian is a potent aphrodisiac. The fruit is believed to increase arousal and overall sexual function. It is also approved by Susanto Riyani ND, CT, an expert in naturopathy. However, some people believe that hot after eating durianlah which makes a high sex drive.

No medical studies that prove the benefits of sex-related durian. However, if you like durian, it's worth trying once in a while playing with the durian in bed. Blender durian, coconut, and cocoa and drink this potion.

According to, alloy properties of these three powerful natural ingredients to enhance sex. Substances in the durian nourish the mind and body so that its effects can be felt instantly.

Durian also have other health benefits, such as the vitamins, drug fever and jaundice, reduce cholesterol, remove toxins from the blood, muscle building, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant.

Durian is also able to overcome insomnia, anxiety, depression, and can cause feelings of happiness. In fresh form, durian could be a good source of fat.

Though rich in nutrients, the fruit should not be consumed too much. Durian is very high glycemic index, so that it can lead to coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

People who suffer from high blood pressure and pregnant women should not even eat durian. This fruit may be beneficial to liven up your love life, but eat wisely.

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