Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Food - Sapodilla, The Sweet The Abundant Nutrition

The Food
The Food - The fruit has a sweet taste that is legit with a soft texture slightly sintered. Oval shape, thin skin and fine textured. Sapodilla fruit is widely known in many countries, especially in Southeast Asia. In addition to delicious sweet, brown also store nutrients for the body height!

Sapodilla, or Sapodilla is good for digestive health, because it contains 5.6g of fiber daily in each 100 gram serving. Poliphenolic brown tannin-containing antioxidants, which can block the bacteria in the body. High tannin content is also present in pomegranates and grapes.

Amber also contains vitamins A and C high.
In 100 grams of amber containing 60 IU vitamin A, and also can meet the 24% (14.7mg) of vitamin C in one day. Vitamin C is contained in a tan may protect the body from free radicals and maintain dental health.

In slices of fresh brown, there are nutrients such as potassium, copper, folate, niacin, and pantothenic acid as well. These compounds are very important to support health and facilitate the metabolic processes in the body.

Oval-shaped fruit is tipped slightly tapered from Mexico and Central America. Now, some countries like the Philippines, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are also known as a producer of fruit is called binomial Manilkara zapota.

Sawopun had different names in some areas. In English, called the Sapodilla Sapodilla, and the French named sapotillier. In the Philippines the fruit is named chico or tsiko, while in India and Pakistan, people know him by name chikoo and sapota.

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