Friday, June 29, 2012

The Food - 5 Super Fruits Gairan Generate Potent Sex

the food
The Food - A healthy sex life is as important as the quality of life. Sexual intercourse should also be focused as you concentrate on the job. If you want your sex drive as successful in a career, eat this super fruit.

As reported by the, there are five super bauh capable of arousing sex. What are the greatness of the fruit?
1.       pomegranate
Pomegranate contains antioxidants such as anthodyanin, ellagic acid and tannins. These three antioxidants can prevent the aging process, heart disease, arthritis and high blood pressure. In addition, pomegranate juice is also believed to increase stamina during sexual intercourse.
2.       Goji Berry
Who would have thought this little red fruit was able to increase the libido. In the countries of Asia, this fruit has traditionally been used to increase the sex drive of men and women. The number and testosteron hormone levels can also increase.
3.       Acai Berry
Acai berry is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. This fruit is the fuel for an energy boost, so that any physical activity, especially sexual activity can go well.
4.      Noni
Behind the irregular shape of this fruit was the fruit contains antioxidants. The active ingredient in noni juice can boost the immune system and increase sex drive and performance of the sexual organs.
5.       mangosteen
Mangosteen is known to boost the immune system. Content of antioxidants and Santon's pretty high. Besides believed to fight cancer and Alzheimer, the fruit is also able to increase the sex drive.

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